Darling girl: that was a beautiful tribute to your swimming and your grandmother -although I would refer to her legs as Movie Star legs - but perhaps that was then. She was always the swimmer as are you. I think your project is a wonderful idea and I wish you all the luck in the world. In an email sometime tell me about your life and where you are....I bought the chocolates to get the box that your Mother made . So much is happening - ie. I broke my foot which is a huge drag - it doesn't hurt but makes walking very difficult - Unfortunately I am unable to swim anymore due to my stenosis which makes me sink and I miss the ocean more than anything but life makes us change and explore new directions as you - at your young age - know better than anyone. Let me know how you are doing as I miss you....Sending heaps of love, Patsy

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I know a lady in Ojai who got up at 6 this morning to jump in the Pacific out of devotion to a friend and some nutty compulsion to go for it. Lala is her name. Love your writing Ellie!

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It runs in the family!! Thanks Jennifer :) XO

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This piece brought tears to my eyes! Love the writing and the pics of your grandmother. I, too, am a dedicated swimmer in natural bodies of water. Thank you for this beautiful tribute to your grandmother and to the glory of swimming in natural waters. Water is life!

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